
Wednesday, 11 June 2008

A coincidence.

On this day, five years ago, P and I went to visit a friend of ours who had given birth to a little girl a few weeks before. It was a spur of the moment decision to go and see her, but I really felt I ought to take a present. I ran to the drawer and took out the little pink outfit I’d bought when we first decided to adopt again, two years before. It would be a bit of a wrench to give it away. I’d bought it full of dreams of a little girl of my own. Our allocation was imminent, but we’d been told there was no likelihood of being allocated a girl, so there was no point in keeping it. I knew I’d love a little boy just the same. I wrapped the outfit up in pink paper and gave it to our friend for her beautiful little girl.

On this day, five years ago, a little girl was born in Korea.

Our daughter.

Happy Birthday, gorgeous girl!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from the other side of the world! May your day be full of fun.

Angela Ackerman said...

Wow--now that was meant to be! Have a great birthday! (My son's birthday was on monday, lol.)

Luc2 said...

Happy Birthday.

C.R. Evers said...

This post made me teary eyed. What a beautiful reminder of how things can work out.

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter.

Christy (by way of Verla Kay)

Kate said...

Thanks, everyone. She had a great day. I haven't seen much of her since yesterday. Every moment at home has been spent with her head inside the new Barbie house. Listening to the toilet flush seems to be the most exciting thing. Even older brother (9) enjoys that. Both Barbies must need to see a doctor I think, going off how often they have to 'go'!

Anonymous said...

Oh that's funny. Flushing toilets!! What next.

Angela Ackerman said...

I couldn't mention this before, because Becca hadn't announced her baby's arrival, but here's a coincidence for you: Becca's first baby was born the day after my first baby's birth. There's 12 years seperating them, but still, a meant to be coincidence, I think!

Kate said...

A lovely coincidence, Angela!