
Thursday, 27 November 2008

Latest Bandicoot book

I received a lovely parcel in the mail on Tuesday - ten copies of the latest book in the 'Scoot, Scoot, Bandicoot' series, written by Karen Treanor and illustrated by yours truly. It's a lovely feeling, getting that first look at a new book you've played a part in producing.

The ten copies has quickly reduced. My mother-in-law delivered the parcel (we share a mail box), so she got the first copy to go with the first two I did in the series (numbers 2 and 3). Then Dynamo and Sausage swooped in and carried a copy each off to their bedrooms. Then I gave a copy to a teacher at school, simply because I felt like it! My parents will expect a copy too, and I always give a copy to the school library and the local town library. So I won't have many left by the end of the week.

For more info on the books and bandicoots, check out Karen's website -

I'm still aiming at one day opening a packet of books with my name as illustrator and author. Ah, that's what dreams are made of!


Brenda said...

What a fun cover...I will have look for Scoot Scoot in the stores...

Congrats and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Rena Jones said...

Oh, it looks great! I'll have to give Karen's website a look soon.

Kate said...

Thank you, both.

Brenda, I don't think you're likely to find it on a bookshelf. Being self-published, it's pretty well only available from a very small part of here in Western Australia - or from Karen's site.

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the US. (We don't celebrate it here.)

Luc2 said...

Congrats, Kate. You're halfway there. I'm sure the rest of the dream will come through.

Kate said...

Thanks, Luc! How's your writing going?

C.R. Evers said...

Oh wow Kate!!! That's a gorgeous cover!



Luc2 said...

Not too bad, given the circumstances. Four chapters done, and this time I have a rough outline for the whole story. I wonder if that will actually help me, or hinder me.
How about you?