
Tuesday, 2 December 2008


The stars smile down on Australia. Really! Last night we had proof - a big smiley face up in the sky. Of course I tried to take a photo of it, but all I got was a map of how much my hands wobbled in the three seconds it took for the camera shutter to open and close. We really do need a tripod. Still, my attempts make quite interesting modern art ...

More like a monster in the sky than a smiley!

Of course, the phenomenon was caused by Jupiter and Venus appearing together just above the crescent moon. Here's what the photos should have looked like -

Cute, hey?


Rena Jones said...

Very cool! Another one of my Aussie friends put up her smiley pictures too. Bet it was neat to see!

Kelly Polark said...

That is WAY cool!

Brenda said...

What great pics!