
Sunday, 1 January 2012

Good Morning 2012

I didn’t stay up to see in the New Year. I haven’t done for a very long time. In fact the only time I can remember celebrating the New Year was when I was about 20 and a group of us climbed the church tower and rang the bell at midnight. That was fun. Rather too much ginger wine that night, I'd say. These days, though, I prefer my sleep and one midnight is much the same as another. Maybe I’m just a killjoy.

So, 2011 is over. I can’t say I’m sorry. Yes, I epublished two books and that was exciting. We had a good season on the farm and the crops were great. But other things happened, more important things, that were not so good and I’m glad to be able to put them all behind me. I must say thank you, though, to all the people who helped me get through those difficult times. I have some lovely friends and family.

2012. What are my plans? I’m not looking that far ahead. I’ll be writing, of course, as long and as hard as I can. I would really like to get the sequel to Treespeaker out. It’s just a matter of sitting down and putting in the concerted effort. ‘Mark of the Dragon Queen’ is almost ready to go. I’m just doing a final sweep for errors and then I’ll format it for Kindle. Maybe in a few days…

As for the rest of the year, I’m not making any firm plans. Last year taught me that life will go its own way, no matter what plans you make. I’m hoping that my family had all the bad luck of about ten years rolled into one last year and so this one will be relatively trouble-free. New Year has a way of making you feel hopeful.

A wonderful friend sent me a book for Christmas – Eckhart Tolle’s “Guardians of Being”. This quote jumped out at me and will be my philosophy for this year:

"The key to transformation is to
make friends with the moment.
What form it takes doesn't matter.
Say yes to it. Allow it. Be with it."

Whatever your plans and circumstances, I wish you all a happy and creative 2012. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog over the year. It means a lot to me.


Celtic Sprite said...

"The journey we begin as we answer the call is long, and filled with all that we have been and all that we will become."
(Cairstiona Worthington, Modron of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids) A reflexion with a powerful meaning isn`t it?
I am happy you are taking a new way to transit on this life, I believe that "life" is much more than experiment, it is definetely a "spiritual experience".
This is just the mood our ancestors surely lived by...
Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future, since the present is part of the past, and the future, part of the present.Each new year is like a new portal...Enjoy life on each tic-tac of your inner clock ♥
I am also honoured by your friendship...Bliss and blessings kind friend! Keep up the good work as always...

Kate said...

Thanks, Eliseo!